A Transformational Question


A man I know works in an extreme hierarchy and the culture often has a bleak quality. He shared a short entry from his gratitude journal. I think the paragraph speaks volumes.


“Yesterday was my first day back after a week of vacation.  I went into the office early to try to catch up before the workday started in earnest, and as my colleagues trickled in, I felt genuine love for each one of them.  I could sense their delight in seeing me too.  I am grateful for my daily attempts to foster positive relationships with my colleagues.  I am grateful to ask myself, “What can I do today to show love to this organization?”



  • Is it normal for a person working in a bleak, hierarchical culture to ask, “What can I do today to show love in this organization?” Why is the question transformational?
  • Why are his colleagues delighted to see him? At the end of the day, what does this man take home that many people do not take home? What is the impact over a year, over a lifetime?
  • The passage comes from the man’s gratitude journal. How do you think his writings and his work experiences influence each other?
  • How could we use this passage to create a more positive organization?