Robert E. Quinn
Robert E. Quinn has spent the last 40 years doing research, publishing, teaching, consulting, and speaking to more than half of the Fortune 500.
- He is the Margaret Elliot Tracy Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan, Ross School of Business. His research and writing focuses on purpose, leadership, culture and change.
- He is one of the leaders in the field of Positive Organizational Scholarship and a cofounder of the Center for Positive Organizations at the University of Michigan.
- He is in the top 1% of professors cited in organizational behavior textbooks.
- He has published 18 books. His book,Deep Changeis a long-term best seller and has been used across the planet. His book,The Best Teacher in Youwon the Ben Franklin Award designating it the best book in education. His latest book is The Positive Organization: Breaking Free of Conventional Cultures, Constraints and Beliefs. His next book will be The Economics of Higher Purpose: Eight Counter Intuitive Steps for Creating a Purpose Driven Organization.
- He is particularly known for his work on the competing values framework which has been used by thousands of organizations. His paper, Moments of Greatness: Entering the Fundamental State of Leadership, was selected by the Harvard Business Review as one of the ten Must Reads On Managing Yourself.
- He was recently selected as one of the “World’s Top 30 Organizational Culture Professionals for 2018.”
- He is the recipient of multiple teaching awards and as a speaker he adapts to the needs of the audience in real time. He has one of the highest rates of repeat invitations in the speaking industry. His recent talk on purpose has been viewed by over 15 million people.