The Economics of Higher Purpose
So excited to announce that our book, The Economics of Higher Purpose: 8 Counterintuitive Steps for Creating a Purpose-Driven Organization, […]
So excited to announce that our book, The Economics of Higher Purpose: 8 Counterintuitive Steps for Creating a Purpose-Driven Organization, […]
In the workshop I met with a group of leaders and gave them a worksheet with these questions: What is […]
The last few weeks have been intense. When stress goes up I tend to worry about dropping one of the […]
I flew to see my two daughters and their families. One picked me up at the airport and asked if […]
In my interviews with highly effective teachers, a fourth grade teacher told a story every leader should understand. On first […]
A former student came to see me. He was scheduled to be in another part of Michigan but indicated that […]
I met a man from another part of the world. He leads an executive education function and works with senior […]
Sometimes I will ask a group, “Did you know that organizations are political?” This always brings a knowing laugh. The […]
Maslow studied self-actualizing people. He said they had “a rare capacity to resolve value dichotomies.” Then he wrote, “Duty cannot be contrasted […]
I was doing a week of executive education with senior government leaders. Many had military backgrounds. In the middle of […]