The Instant Impact and Lasting Effects of Introductions
I have been writing about how we introduce ourselves. When I workout at the gym, there is a man who […]
I have been writing about how we introduce ourselves. When I workout at the gym, there is a man who […]
Charisma was once a key word in discussions of leadership. It suggested that leadership was a gift from God. Today […]
As people pay the steep price for acquiring the positive perspective, they become more and more masterful. Eventually they gain a theory of influence that allows them to inspire positive change in any situation. They may make mistakes, like Harbaugh did in asking about George Halas, but they tend to recover. If we look for them, even in strange places, like a TV show, we can choose to learn from them and we can accelerate our own efforts to become masters of positive influence.
Oliver Wendell Homes once remarked that he placed little value on simplicity that lay on this side of complexity but […]
If we want to positively influence our leaders or peers we need to do what they and others are afraid to do. We have to have the courage to put the collective good ahead of our ego needs. Doing so is the essence of leadership.
Change agents emerge in every profession and context. As people pay the steep price for acquiring the positive perspective, they become more and more masterful. Eventually they gain a theory of influence that allows them to inspire positive change in any situation.
The teacher’s transactional students can begin to love the teacher because teacher loves them first. As one HET said, “How are you going to change them, by resenting them?”
One of the things she studies is how Polynesians were able to navigate the ocean without any of the Western technologies. She speaks of the Maori navigator as the “way finder.” The way finder assumes that the canoe is stationary and the world is moving past. The challenge is to be “still” and ponder the various signals in the natural context. The island is “pulled” forward to the canoe.