The Instant Impact and Lasting Effects of Introductions
I have been writing about how we introduce ourselves. When I workout at the gym, there is a man who […]
I have been writing about how we introduce ourselves. When I workout at the gym, there is a man who […]
I attended a wedding celebration. As I entered the hall and saw many people I had never met, my introversion […]
I appreciate this story because the surgeon represents so many individual contributors. They can only see the parts. They have not imagined the importance of the whole. So they cannot attend to the whole and the whole tends to disintegrate over time.
I continued: “There is another reason for rewriting. People think that values are permanent, like cement. Clear values can stabilize us, yet they are not cement, they need to evolve. Each time we face a new situation and reinterpret our values they change just a little bit. Rewriting a statement like this one allows us to integrate what we have learned and how we have developed into our values. Hence our values also evolve with us. We co-create each other.