Acquiring the Positive Perspective
Positive organizing can occur in any profession. It usually occurs because of a person who has acquired a more mature and complex way of seeing and being
Positive organizing can occur in any profession. It usually occurs because of a person who has acquired a more mature and complex way of seeing and being
Change agents emerge in every profession and context. As people pay the steep price for acquiring the positive perspective, they become more and more masterful. Eventually they gain a theory of influence that allows them to inspire positive change in any situation.
In conventional administrative thinking average behavior is not only acceptable, it is the expectation. In the positive lens the accountability is astronomical. If the people are not performing with excellence, the administrator is not leading. The key is to take ego out of leadership.
When a person of real intent speaks, people listen.
When interviewed by the media, I am often asked to give examples of a transformational leader. They expect me to identify the CEO of a major corporation or a visible world leader. I prefer to talk about the people in every day roles. I want to make the point that transformational leaders are everywhere. In every community we can find positive organizations nurtured into being by a person who started just like us.
The teacher’s transactional students can begin to love the teacher because teacher loves them first. As one HET said, “How are you going to change them, by resenting them?”