Positive Leadership, Positive Culture
Note: The first part of this passage was posted before. Here a new story has been added. I think the […]
Note: The first part of this passage was posted before. Here a new story has been added. I think the […]
We visited a class in which students had been learning about positive leadership and organizations. They knew much, for example, […]
As people pay the steep price for acquiring the positive perspective, they become more and more masterful. Eventually they gain a theory of influence that allows them to inspire positive change in any situation. They may make mistakes, like Harbaugh did in asking about George Halas, but they tend to recover. If we look for them, even in strange places, like a TV show, we can choose to learn from them and we can accelerate our own efforts to become masters of positive influence.
Occasionally there is a story of positive organizing that is so potent it must be told. On August 12th I […]
We are free in any situation to focus our attention as we see fit. In the short run, how we […]
When managers create their own positive practices, they are more likely to take action. It is crucial to remember that we all fear leading. We all need to be both inspired and supported.
Few executives ever commit themselves to the common good, free themselves from the need for recognition, and commit to building positive organizations.
Change agents emerge in every profession and context. As people pay the steep price for acquiring the positive perspective, they become more and more masterful. Eventually they gain a theory of influence that allows them to inspire positive change in any situation.
In conventional administrative thinking average behavior is not only acceptable, it is the expectation. In the positive lens the accountability is astronomical. If the people are not performing with excellence, the administrator is not leading. The key is to take ego out of leadership.
Keith’s shift was an exercise in deep change. He outgrew the assumptions of conventional self-interest and entered the realm of positive leadership.